B66 Logo

The BOTAS 66 logo – the two characteristic sixes made of dots like on playing dice – is seen often and in various forms. It has become an essential element of the brand’s comlex visual style and it is reflected in various applications, including the website or our significant packaging system.

The two sixes symbolize two tracks; one is a little “askew”. The heels of each shoe are embroidered with just one of the sixes and only when you place the left shoe next to the right, it makes sense and creates a whole (what is just one shoe for?). “They’re the botas rules: play by your own rules, set out after your goal, go after your happiness, go out to meet it. Like we didn’t hesitate, designed the whole concept of the brand, approached the producer with the finished product and everything started to move,” says Jan Kloss, one of two designers of BOTAS 66. Everyone knows that 6 and 6 is 12, but for us 6 + 6 = 66.

The two sixes didn’t have it won for them from the start. Although they were created in a time when the whole project was still in the stage of student work at AAAD, originally they were designed only as a logo for a special edition called Fortune. For Botas 66, another logo was considered until the last minute, where the two sixes have the form of drops (like the visual later used in 66 Gallery – Botas Concept Store).

BOTAS 66 Fortune in the original concept represented a personalized model that works with the motive of chance and wittily responds to the ID series of renowned brands that offer customers the opportunity to intervene in the design to their liking. But BOTAS 66 plays according to its own rules, makes up its own mind. To create a special shoe model Fortune, the potential customer, if he’s brave enough, just picks out a shoe model and size. Then a coincidence, slightly revised by the hand of the designer, will show what’s best for the customer. Additionally, no one claims that the left and right shoe must be the same. The only thing that is relevant is the uniqueness and individuality of the result.

Unfortunately, BOTAS 66 doesn’t offer the Fortune edition, but a game is a game and what isn’t true, can be.